Training maps and training camps will be organized by O-Portugal.
Training maps and training camps will be organized by our official training partner You can expect to find more than 20 permanent courses marked in the terrain with orange tape with control codes. Courses, control places and control tapes will be changed every year and trainings are available 365 days a year, making it possible to do training camps in JWOC 2022 relevant terrain whenever you want. O-Portugal is the best training partner one can have. They will deal with all your needs, as ccommodation, car rental, meals, training maps and so on. Aguiar da Beira Municipality provides free access to their gym, swimming pool and track-and-field to all orienteers training in the area with O-Portugal company. Further information regarding training to JWOC 2022 is provided on
Bellow you will find the closest training maps (marked as green). More training maps and information (including the mapper of each area) can be found on IOF Eventor, on JWOC 2022 and on O-Portugal website.
On May 28th and 29th 2022 Ori-Estarreja will organize Aguiar da Beira “O” Meeting (ABOM), to be used as test races both for the organizing committee and for the athletes. This event will be organized in very relevant terrain to JWOC 2022 and organizers will apply this competition to be an IOF WRE. Attached to this event, will organize the second JWOC 2022 official training camp. Athletes are invited to join a full week of trainings prior to ABOM 2022. You can expect two SPORTident sessions during the official training camp.